RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults:
If you are interested in joining our faith community, call Sister Jackie Moreau. A volunteer team of catechists and your sponsor(s) will assist you in learning about our faith and preparing you to be accepted into the Church. A children's team works with young grade 2 - 8 in an adapted process.
Our first step is a period of inquiry and we will answer your questions about Catholicism and get to know you. We will discuss the teachings of our faith and enable you to share in living the liturgical church year.
After this period of inquiry, searchers such as yourself are asked to attend Mass and participate in parish service projects and social activities. Our discussions will turn to an examination of how to convert to Jesus' way of life. You will be welcomed into a deeper and more faithful following of Gospel values and a life of love and service to others.
Preparation for the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, the Eucharist and Confirmation all are part of your initiation into the Catholic faith.
Meeting times for RCIA are determined by the mutual agreement of involved in the process.
Sr. Jackie Moreau
[email protected]
Evangelization Team - see more information under, Liturgy Group