A golden time in the Sebago Lakes region. Our Lady of Perpetual Help 50th Anniversary celebration story. Click here for the full story! This is a reserved location on our Parish website that gives you access to the current and previous issues of "Harvest Magazine".
On the weekends of October 19/20 and Oct. 26/27 all three churches will have baskets out for UNDIES SUNDAYS. New underwear and socks for all ages: men women, children. These items will be taken to various agencies and schools. Click here to view our Sunday Poster!
The 16th Harvest Ball will be held Saturday, October 26, 2024, at the Holiday Inn By the Bay, 88 Spring Street in Portland. The ball is a fundraiser for Harvest magazine, the official publication of the Diocese of Portland. Harvest seeks to spread the message of God's love and mercy and support and uplift ministries and programs that serve communities and people of all ages throughout the state of Maine.
for more information click on the link from the Diocese, https://portlanddiocese.org/harvestball
In July of this year, 10-year-old Byron Dansereau, presented me with his original sketch of St. Anthony of Padua and the Infant Jesus which is now hanging in the narthex of the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. I’ve had some time now to “sit” with this piece of art, and here is my assessment and commentary on Byron’s work…..Click here to read Fr. Lou's commentary. You will also get a better view of Byron's work of art.
Click here for the complete schedule of for this celebration!
Celebration Dinner Reception Tickets: Are going fast. Tickets are limited. To reserve a ticket, contact the Pastoral Office Monday-Thursday. We accept checks and credit cards. (207) 857-0490 or mary.hopkins@portlanddiocese.org
1.) A Vacation Bible Camp, Village Life in Galilee, will be held at St. Anne Church in Gorham June 24-28, 9 a.m. to noon. 2.) St. Anthony Parish will host July 21-26 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Windham. VISIT: https://portlanddiocese.org/totus-tuus. Click here for more information.