Dulcie Flaherty
[email protected]
To serve St. Anne’s Catholic parish with love & compassion, welcoming all who come to St. Anne’s, through intentional acts of hospitality. In response to our Baptismal call, we will strive to be living examples of Christ’s love, fostering a sense of comfort, community & belonging in an environment that is warm, caring & supportive.
Ł Present newly registered parishioners with a Welcome Basket.
Ł Host an annual reception to welcome new parishioners to St. Anne’s.
Ł Host parish wide social welcoming a newly assigned priest,
and farewell event for priests who are reassigned.
Ł Host socials in recognition of significant milestones being celebrated by clergy (i.e., Jubilee celebration for Fr. Levesque & Sr. Jackie).
Ł Accommodate & encourage families bringing their children to Mass by placing Toddler Bags in the Narthex containing quiet activities for children under the age of 5 to do during Mass.
Ł Monthly Coffee Socials after the 11 a.m. Mass .
Ł Assist in an annual activity for children in Religious Education.
Ł Participate in hosting the Cluster reception for children making
their First Communion / Confirmation.
Ł Provide lunch for Cluster Retreats held @ St. Anne’s.
Ł Organize BEAT THE WINTER BLUES – Share Your Craft events promoting fun & fellowship for women during the winter months.