SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS MASS SCHEDULE FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1 Our Lady 8:00 am Fr. Lou St. Anne 9:00 am Fr. Dominic St. Hyacinth 12:15 pm Fr. Lou St. Hyacinth 5:00 pm Fr. Dominic Our Lady 6:00 pm Fr. Lou St. Anne 7:00 pm Fr. Dominic It is also published here: This button is located in the lower right of your screen.
ALL SOULS DAY MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Our Lady 8:00 am Fr. Lou St. Anne 8:00 am Fr. Dominic
ALL SOULS ST. ANNE We will have a pine tree in narthex beginning Oct 20. There will be slips of paper to write names of deceased loved one, especially recent losses and yarn to attach tag to tree. It will stay up during November to remind us to pray for those who have died.