Eucharistic Minister: Participants qualifications: ➢ Fully initiated (sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) and practicing Catholic ➢ Is at least 16 years of age ➢ Regularly attends Mass ➢ Fully embraces the words and prayers that are offered in the Mass ➢ Gives positive witness to the Christian life ➢ Possesses full knowledge of the Order of Mass ➢ Has the capability to follow instructions ➢ Has participated in a training program and completed diocesan-mandated safe environment training and a background check
Altar Servers: Participants qualifications: ➢ Fully initiated (sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) and practicing Catholic ➢ Regularly attends Mass ➢ Fully embraces the words and prayers that are offered in the Mass ➢ Gives positive witness to the Christian life ➢ Possesses full knowledge of the Order of Mass ➢ Has the capability to follow instructions ➢ Has participated in a training program
Sacristan: A large part of liturgy preparations belongs to the sacristan. In a sense, a sacristan is responsible for everything that is used in the parish liturgy. Because the parish liturgy is our communal worship of God, and because this service of worship draws us closer together as a holy people, the environment and materials used in the liturgy must all be conducive toward worship and community.