Click here to read the attached is Information from Speak Up for Life on how to testify to the Judiciary Committee in Augusta against the Bill LD1619 (the bill to expand abortion in Maine) Some people are going in person tomorrow to Testify, if you cannot attend in person, You can submit written Testimony, the first page of the attachment shows you how. The 2nd page is about the changes to the current abortion law and the summary, line by line of the bill.
KOC and Maine Needs Fatima are having a procession around the Capitol in Augusta as we pray for the intercession of our Blessed Mother to change the hearts and minds of our leaders, and open their eyes to the moral and religious implications of proposed legislation should it be passed. Click to see how you can participate.
We cannot sit by and allow full term abortions to become law in Maine. we MUST EACH Speak Up for the unborn. Join us today! Click here to learn more, sign up for updates, or volunteer. Monday, May 1st will be a very important day for LIFE in Maine. We need everyone who loves and cherishes human life to take action one way, shape, form, or the other.
Click here to read additional information on offering the Cup containing the consecrated wine, the Blood of Christ to the faithful. 1. A letter from Fr. Lou. 2.. Directives for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Message from Andy Levesque: I am planning to meet all the Brothers from each council on the sidewalk outside the State Capital on April 4th from 10:15am to 10:45am. then I will direct all brothers to follow me to the second floor at the Hall of Flags for a Press Conference. Lets show our Legislatures our commitment to support the life of the unborn. If anyone has questions, they may call my cell at (207)523-0299 Vivat Jesus Andy Levesque Council 10221 Gorham. Click on image for more information