AARP FOUNDATION: Will be providing free income tax preparation for low/moderate taxpayers especially those 50 & over from February 1 through April 11 at St. Anne Church every Tuesday and Thursday from 9am to noon. Appointments are required. Call 207-518-8579 to schedule an appointment. Please do not call the church office.
Jubilee Year Resources: The Diocese of Portland has created a webpage for information related to the Jubilee Year 2025 including prayers, the official logo, a reflection from Bishop Ruggieri and more. As diocese events are planned for this holy year, they will be added to this page and shared. For more, visit You can click here for a direct link.
Click here to read Bishop Ruggieri's New Year's Day Message. It has also been confirmed that Bishop Ruggieri's Sacramental Mass at St. Hyacinth's Church is scheduled for May 10, 2025, at 4:00 pm.
Fr. Lou has confirmed the Confirmation mass will be held at St. Hyacinth Church on Saturday, May 10, 2025, at 4 pm. As usual, we will have a reception to follow in the church hall.
Please let your families know.
Thanks, and Happy New Year!
Mary Hopkins
Office/Cemetery Manager
LITURGICAL MINISTRY is a wonderful opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to one another. Our liturgies utilize the talents and gifts that God has given this parish community. Whether participation is through “behind the scenes” preparation and planning or through a public role of service within the Mass, parishioner contributions help our liturgies to be truly life-giving celebrations. Please prayerfully consider joining one of these ministries. St. Anthony's Parish is seeking parishioners to prayerfully consider a liturgical role as a Eucharistic Minister, Altar Server or Sacristan. If you would like to learn more or participate in a liturgical ministry, please contact Kris Torrey at (207) 857-0490 or [email protected] . Click here to see the requirements to participate.
Summary of Monthly Stewardship: July - January 2025..
Explanation of Our Increased Offertory Program.
Financial snapshot of Fiscal Year 23-24.
Increased Offertory Commitment Card outlining the Benefits our Parish offers to our families.
Fundraising Events Comparison over a three year period.
Instructions to get your 2024 contributions statement is here.